We’re in a race for hope, and the clock is ticking. Each minute we delay, communities in Africa are withering. Lives and souls are at stake.

The Greatest Hunger Crisis in 50 Years

The need feels overwhelming. How can we possibly make a difference for areas in Africa that are experiencing the greatest hunger crisis the world has seen in 50 years?

But, like daybreak, hope is dawning. We believe that Convoy of Hope is uniquely positioned for such a time as this. For 30 years, we’ve been building partnerships and an infrastructure that allows us to respond where needed most.

But we’re not simply responding with relief supplies. We plan to walk alongside people who are suffering — helping them become the architects of their own solutions.

Join us … because Africa waits.

The Grim Realities

479 million

It’s estimated that by 2030, 479 million Africans (28.1% of the

out of the 43 in sub-Saharan Africa, (91%) are either stalled or going backward on the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.**

39 Countries

Like you, Convoy of Hope finds this unacceptable.

We believe every life has value.
Because of that, we’re determined to bring help and hope to the hurting.

Deliver Urgently Needed Help.

Over the next few years, Convoy of Hope will continue working across more than a dozen African countries where we are already working.

In addition to this increased activity, Convoy also hopes to expand work into three new countries. They are in the Sahel region, which is arguably one of the most food insecure, economically and environmentally challenged, and politically volatile areas in the world.

We are making strategic decisions that should result in a 100% increase in our Children’s Feeding program, 300% growth across our Women’s Empowerment initiative, and a 73% expansion in the number of Agriculture participants over the next few years.

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