Are you Disaster Prepared?
Every household needs a plan that all family members know for every type of disaster.
Protect yourself and your loved ones during a disaster.
Preparedness is vital for millions of people at risk of being affected by a disaster. With proper preparation, you can provide peace of mind and an extra measure of protection for you and your household.

Family Emergency Guide
Family Preparedness Kit
Preparedness is not merely putting aside a case of water and some ramen noodles. It requires us to think through scenarios, try to anticipate potential needs, and take practical action toward preparing for those needs.
Family Communications Plan
it is important to plan how you will contact each family member if you are not together when a disaster occurs. Sometimes there is no cell service or Wi-Fi. Think about how you will communicate with your spouse and/or children in different situations.
Utilities Shut-Off & Safety
In the event of a widespread local emergency, authorities may instruct you to shut off the utilities to your home. The following is general guidance for shutting off utility services. Modify this information as necessary to reflect shutoff requirements as directed by your local utility company.
Insurance and Vital Records
Review your existing policy amounts and coverages for property, health, and life insurance to ensure they’re the best fit for you and your family.
Evacuation Plans
A large part of preparedness is becoming educated and aware of what type of potential emergencies could occur in the area where you live. Consider the characteristics of the area you live in.
Weather Monitoring & Pet Care
With modern technology, it’s never been easier to know what the weather will do. Weather monitoring is a simple precaution you can take to help keep your family safe.