Global Programming

There’s something in the eyes of a person who has received help in a time of desperation. A light — a hope. Convoy of Hope has an unstoppable drive to chase away the darkness of hunger and poverty. With your help, Convoy of Hope can do just that.

Childrens Feeding

The days, months, or years a child spends without proper nutrition create problems that last a lifetime. But when you feed children through Convoy of Hope, you become part of the solution.

Feed the world, and they’ll keep changing it. When you feed children with Convoy of Hope, you open the door to tremendous possibilities. You and Convoy — together — are strategically investing at a critical time in their lives. By feeding children in schools, we are providing them with the vital nutrition they need to thrive

Women’s Empowerment

The demands of life weigh on her from the moment she wakes up. There is always a need. She has unlimited potential, and you can help her unlock it.

Help women find new opportunities.
When women participate in the Convoy of Hope Women’s Empowerment program, the cycle of poverty is broken. With your help, Convoy partners with women as they start their own businesses and support their families. Empowering women and girls to advocate for themselves creates opportunities that last for generations.


The potential for lasting change is in the soil, and the best solutions are grown at home. With Convoy of Hope’s agricultural training and resources, local farmers’ fields take on new life. The best solutions are grown at home.

Through Convoy’s agriculture training, you give people the skills to break the cycle of poverty for themselves. Convoy’s agriculture specialists teach production methods that encourage long-term sustainable practices. With improved practices and larger yields, farmers are often able to give back to Convoy’s strategic feeding programs.

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